

         1. You should tip about AU$3 (US$2) per bag or luggage. 2.Restaurant waiters expect a tip of 15 to 20% of the account, as satisfied with the service. 3. It can be left around US $ 1 to $ 2 per day for the housekeeper who cleans her hotel room. 4. In Canada, taxi drivers or drivers expect a tip of 15% of the taxi fare. Apply information:  I will go to a university event in Canada, I will stay in a hotel that I found online at a good price, very comfortable, cute and close to the place where I have the event so I save a lot, I will travel to present a project and this hotel is luxurious, I will last six days. How much should I give to the love of tip keys?    

Muy presentation

  Hello, my name is Carolina Palencia Pineda, I am 20 years old, I am from Since Sucre, my birthday is August 11, I study physiotherapy at the free university, I am in the sixth semester of my degree, I do an internship in a hospital in Barranquilla, I like it a lot because you help people who need it and it is very nice to offer them a new opportunity for their life. I really like listening to music, walking and studying.   I have a brother named Iván Andrés, I really like to share with my family with my father, my mother, my brother, my cousins, cousins and nieces, when I go on vacation I like to go to the beach because it is very relaxing, you rest from your routine in it. Generally my daily routine is to get up, go to the university for my classes, go to practice, then I return home to do my homework and some days I go to the gym, on Saturdays I go to English classes and return to do my activities as they are washing, doing work and cooking. Sometimes I go out with my friends wi


  CRITICAL THINKING Based on the Reading and your own ideas, discuss the following topics. 1 Why do you think airlines overbook flights? The airlines reserve flights due to the large number of passengers who do not show up, as it should be so, they optimize their flights more, they do it in a more organized way and the reservation is made to reduce certain problems or situations that may arise with the tickets and the airline. 2 Are there some advantages of getting bumped from a flight? What are they? Some of the advantages of a passenger being expelled from the flight is that the airlines should offer these passengers other free flights, hotels, food, among other benefits, and even many times some people do it voluntarily to obtain these benefits. 3 What are some advantages of GPS systems? What are some disadvantages? The advantages of the GPS system are:  1. allows you to go to a certain place without knowing how to get there.  2. Contains an Anti-theft System: GPS incorporated into

Activity 13 de abril.

  Activity   A. IDENTIFY SUPPORTING DETAILS Circle T (true) or F (false). Explain each of your responses. 1. It's appropriate to wear shorts in Turkish mosques. (F) R/ because to visit a mosque the dress code is more written. 2. The dress code for tourists is pretty liberal on Turkish beaches.( T) 3. Clothing customs in Turkey are "anything goes" for everyone.(T) 4. The United States is very conservative about clothes.(F) R/because in the united states without more liberal with the dress code, they don't enforce any dress code. 5.  It's appropriate for young Americans to wear wild clothes in religious institutions. (F) R/because it is worth nothing, it is not of great importance or an obligation. 6. Flip-flops are inappropriate in formal restaurants in the United States.(T) B. PARAPHRASE : What are the main differences in the dress codes of Turkey and the United States? Use the Vocabulary from page 44 in your description. R/The difference between these two countri

Actividad pronombres


My daily routine

  Hello how are you? -  Hi, I'm good and you? - I’m feel so good. - What's your name? - My name is Carolina and yours? - My name is Abraham.  - How old are you? - I'm 20 years old and you? -i’m 19 years old.  - What do you study? - I study physiotherapy and you? - I study business Administration - Perfect, what semester are you in? - I'm in third semester. -Ohh cool . Could you tell me more about you? - Yes sure, I am from Barranquilla, but I have lived in Soledad since I was born. My parents are Colombian, but my grandfather is son of Palestinians. And your? - I am from Since Sucre, I currently live in Barranquilla for my studies, my parents are Colombian and live in Since Sucre. - what are your parent's names? Muy parents are called Yamelys Pineda and Berquis Palencia. - who are your brothers? Muy brother is Iván Palencia.